Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 7: one week down!

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say your morning probably didn't involve scrubbing dog poop off your shoe with a toothbrush.  Well, that is how MY day started, so as you can extrapolate, it could only get better from there!  It's been one week, and I am happy to report zero casualties, mishaps, or near-miss reportables. I'd rate us at a 4 right now. No major discrepancies...(HSI on the brain!)

I may have just mixed together flight line and medical lingo, but you get the picture - we made it!  You might doubt my mental status if you were to see my house, however. There's a mattress in the hallway, piles of clothes all over my room, phone numbers written on diapers (okay, there's just one, but I couldn't find a piece of paper and I was in the bathroom at the time), and the boys room looks post-tornado level chaotic.  The reason for the hallway and clothes mess is the fact that I'm cleaning out our walk-in closet. We kept a full-sized mattress in there for when J was working nights (that way the kids didn't know he was even home and the clothes made it relatively sound-proof), and I'm moving it into Isaac's room because we are going to have some visitors soon! Robin and her boys and husband are coming and visiting a few days in transit to Colorado from Hawaii.  Yes, you may be thinking, I am crazy, hosting while my husband is away, but honestly, I welcome Robin into our home and consider her family. We got wayyyyyy back, she was neighbor when I lived on base with a then 3-yr old Dylan.  She helped me in so many ways, and if I can be as half as generous as she is, I'm going to do it! So, in true "shelley" fashion, I've made a mid-sized project into a total overhaul and made way more work for myself - but just wait until it's done! I'm going to be so excited because I won't have a closet full of clothes I can't wear, and J is going to be happy because it will no longer be the "clothes graveyard" - lol.  Hey, I can't help I've been every size and back again since having 3 babies in 4 years!

Today I broke loose from the "prison"! Carmen texted me earlier and told me she was feeling a bit like a prisoner in her house - and I told her I managed to break out, but all the inmates tagged along with me! We were joking around, but seriously, it does get tough feeling like you are "confined" to the house when you have 3 little ones to look after. Maybe I'm doing it totally wrong, but going out is not fun, it's more work than anything, at least when the little people outnumber you!  So, we finally made it out of the house around 3:30 pm. I attempted to program the swagger wagon's homelink thing for the garage door, but I gave up after 15 minutes and breaking up two fights over who had gum and who was sitting in which carseat (the minions were packed in the car while I was mcguyvering the remote thing.)  We went to Lowe's - got nothing that we went for, and spent an hour just walking around the cool cabinet and carpet areas. Man, do I ever get sucked in to the tile and backsplash displays!! So cool, all that material just waiting for action.  In our other lives, Jeff and I had a dream about flipping houses (doesn't everyone?) so going to Lowe's is like revisiting a fun alternate reality.  Hey, sometimes you need to escape yours temporarily! We almost made it out of the store without any fuss, but wouldn't you know, at the register (in the greenhouse area), I lost my testimony. Well, technically, I lost it a lot earlier after some stern, overly-harsh rebukes I was handing out near the paint section, but this was definitely the coup de grâce. While I was checking out, the boys took it upon themselves to saturate nearly every inch of their bodies with fountain water (from the display fountains).  Don't ask me how they did it, because I was just trying to figure out WHY they did it! They also found this small baggie that they filled with water and claimed to have caught "imaginary magic fish" and then cleverly smashed the bag so the magic fish and water spurted out in a perfect arc, landing all over the register and spraying the cashier.  She was a bit surprised, as was I, and before I turned my red-with-rage eyes towards the boys, I caught a glimpse of all the cashier's flair on her apron.  She had all these cool patches and it was clear she had been awarded them for something!  She told me it was for the build-it saturday workshop for kids, and even said I should bring the boys.  See, that is the blessing about having a touch of ADD. I'm easily distracted, and that brief moment was enough to stifle the burgeoning barrage of "correction" that was about to spill forth from my mouth. After I stopped being so irritated about the water incident, I realized the boys have a pretty good imagination and they were just having fun.

That was my day, pretty much, and now I welcome a good night's sleep, hopefully minus E sneaking in to bed in the middle of the night and keeping me up flopping all over the place!

Today's Prayer:

Lord, thank you for my boys. Thank you for their boundless imagination, their exuberant personalities and limitless energy. I wouldn't trade them for the world.  As much as I love them, I know that you love them more, help me to remember that and treat them like the precious gifts they are. Let me enjoy this time with them, creating memories and not just rushing through the days. Continue to grow my love and need for my husband, as I feel the burden of him being absent more and more each day.  Amen!

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