In Jeff news, he is doing well - he works noon - midnight, and he is able to facetime us almost everyday. I'm so thankful for technology. I just can't imagine not being able to talk to him or have the boys see him for months! He would probably go crazy if that was the case, because he loves his boys so much! Besides being bored on his off time, he is living a vacation life compared to here. Even Dylan is getting annoyed with the boys! I'm trying to stay consistent, but oh boy did God ever the situation to test my patience. They always say not to pray for patience, because it is a fruit of the spirit and if you are growing in Christ, you should naturally start to exhibit it - if so, my prayer would be for less situations in which to exercise patience! That's fair, right? Ha, ha.
Today I was blessed by a few things (keeping up the positiveness). Carmen asked me to come over and talk for a while, and although I had a major construction project going on in my closet, I dragged myself over to hang out for a little while. I say "dragged" not because I don't want to go visit, but rather because I'm comfortably living out my hermit lifestyle....which is not healthy, and luckily I have friends that know that who reach out to encourage me. Also, the boys spied that Jimmy had his big waterslide up and they managed to invite themselves over to play! We ended up all going over and bringing our dinner over there and eating together with them. The picture is Isaac and one of his many possible future brides.* (Lanie, he loves you, too!) (*Note: they would make the cutest babies!) It was nice to talk to adults, and take a break from the endless organization and cleaning! There won't be a nook or cranny left in this house that hasn't been cleaned, organized, sanded, painted, or donated by the time Jeff gets back. My project today was the master bedroom closet. I cleared out everything. I'm donating about a year's supply of clothes (don't worry, it probably came from the thrift store anyway) and then some! I can't show you any pictures because I want it to be a surprise for J! Tomorrow I will tackle turning Isaac's room back into a guest room. For now, the mattresses are still clogging up the hall, but the boys are using it as a fort, so it's all good.
Today's Prayer:
Lord, thank you for the friends you have placed in my life, in my neighborhood, because you know I work best with close proximity relationships! Help me to bless others as much as they have blessed me today. Please continue to work out my relationship with Dylan, come into his life and let him know that he is loved by you, and me, and that his life is valuable and for a purpose. Guide his heart, keep him close to you, Lord. Thank you for my husband, for reminding me that he loves me all day - finding forgotten love notes and reading them again and remembering...let me not take for granted the wonderful man you have given me. Keep him safe and encourage him while he is away from home. Amen.
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