Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 6

Isaac, Luke & Jeff at Mt Hermon last Summer
Today was survival mode. I'm tired. I just got done jogging around the neighborhood with Isaac in the stroller (still awake) at 11 pm.  One of the good things about wearing a pedometer is that it convicts you to get all of your steps in...the bad thing is that when it's 10:30 and you just spent 30 minutes trying to inflate the stroller tire after tracking down the air pump, you are still talking yourself into running outside to add in 1,200 more steps.  I'm all over the place, morning's good intentions melted into afternoon chaos and a cleaning frenzy. The cleaning helps make me feel like I'm controlling something, and the chaos was inflicted by my lovely little minions 2, 3 & 4. (#1 is pretty much past the point of causing problems, thank God!)  We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast, big flaky cinnabon-type. They were delectable, and yes, I savored every last bite! (Diet starts tomorrow?)

I also managed to finally throw together a couple of turkey pot pies with homemade crust. I froze one for the inevitable night that I don't have anything made nor the desire to make anything!  The homemade crust is a point of pride, because after all these years (okay only like 7 or 8), I had yet to come across the perfect crust recipe. I finally found it on Pioneer Woman's website, and it is solid gold, I tell ya. Here's the recipe (yes, I'll share, because this is too good not to!):
It's so simple, I'm almost ashamed I failed so many times before! I think the secret is the vinegar. I've used regular, Apple Cider and even Balsamic White, and it works just the same.  Don't overwork it, though. The crust can be frozen, refrigerated, or used right away (although I do recommend following her instructions on popping it in the fridge so it's easier to work with before you use it).  I'll never by the store-made stuff again, it's that easy and good!

After all the kitchen action, I "unplugged" the boys and made them do a couple of chores. Easy ones, but it's the routine that matters (right, Jeff?) and it helps adjust Luke's attitude. At some point I want to reinstate the paid chore charts, but I'm just too exhausted to try and do that by myself right now. After chores, they played in the backyard in our sad little slowly-deflating blow up pool.  It really is pathetic, but it does the job on hot days like we've been having, and I honestly can't imagine dragging the kids to Walmart to get another one.  I'll need some serious motivation for that trip!

Speaking of trips, I'm trying to plan a couple for our summer without daddy....Sarah invited us to come visit at the end of July, so that's one, and we are seriously considering going to Mt. Hermon, a Christian Family Camp, again. We've gone every year for the past 3 years, and we are absolutely in love with being there.  When I think about it, I can smell the air, picture the trees and the beautiful sanctuary. It's surreal when we are actually there, and the kids can't get enough.  I'm just feeling kind of sad that Jeff won't be there, and I don't want to tag along with the other families I know who are going and wreck their family time. On the other hand, it would be nice to have child care for the week and all the meals cooked and to get to go to church twice and hear awesome messages and just soak in the Santa Cruz redwoods! I guess I'll call tomorrow and see if they have any availability.

Today was rather uneventful, which I guess is a blessing, you know. Oh, a couple really cool things happened - one of my Airman got promoted to SSgt!! So happy and excited for her, she deserves it and it's been a long time coming! It's been a nightmare because our military system that tracks all that stuff was down and when it came back up a lot of stuff wasn't accurate...well, finally some good news!  I got to call her and tell her today, I love making those calls!  And, we finally got to talk to Jeff again. We've been trying to call, but haven't been able to get through. We facetimed today, which is so great- he gets to see everyone and they get to see him. The boys still haven't registered that he is really far away and will be gone for a long time. Tonight, on our 11 pm run, Isaac said, "Daddy's car is here, mom, is Daddy inside?" and he was really confused when I told him he wasn't.  I know he doesn't understand, and he is starting to really miss his daddy.

Time for bed, I have to get up before "snee" wakes up and steals the jumbo marshmallows from the pantry in the morning!

Prayer for today:

Lord, thank you for the technology that we take for granted. The ability to see and talk to Jeff while he is deployed is priceless. It doesn't feel like he is that far away, even though he is.  Comfort the boys when they don't understand and they miss their daddy, and give me strength to face each new day.  Please, help me not to seclude myself from everyone, but instead reach out and ask for help. I know that you have placed me here and provided people in my life that I can count on. Closing another day, I cannot help but realize I failed again today - I've let my situation and frustration prevail and guide my actions. Forgive me for being so selfish and let me not dwell in that sin.  Tomorrow is a new day, fresh with your grace, which is abundant and enough for countless days of my failure! Be with my husband so he isn't lonely, and keep him safe.  Amen.

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